Truffles are the most rare and sought after of gastronomic delicacies.  They are so highly valued because of their very unique and complex harmony of tastes and aromas.  Truffle tastes and aromas generally assume the most prominent role in any recipe, so, planning and executing the use of truffles in cooking must be done with care and foresight.  Ingredients should be chosen which complement the vibrant and sensuous characteristics of the truffle.  Ingredients and spices which may conflict or overpower the very particular aromas and tastes of the truffle should be avoided.

The savory characteristics of the Summer Black Truffle are enhanced when they are sliced or grated and cooked lightly with oil (preferably olive oil) and a little salt.  The Black Winter Truffle, melanosporum, and the “Bianchetto” Truffle may be grated directly onto foods, or, cooked.  The Winter White Truffle, magnatum pico, should NEVER be cooked, as the heat will quickly deteriorate its unique aromas and flavors.  Instead, slice or grate the Black Winter Truffle, using them only as a garnish.

Truffles pair extremely well with cream based sauces, meats, fish, pasta and even eggs and French fries.  At my “News” and “Social” sections of this website, I invite you to share your special truffle recipes with me and our truffle devotee community!  I am always learning more about how to prepare truffles and our truffle community is too!

If you plan to keep your truffles instead of eating them immediately after you receive them from Belbosco Truffles, be sure to store them as soon as possible in the refrigerator.  They should be wrapped individually in paper towels and stored in a glass jar.  For a balanced truffle moisture quality, do not close the jar so that air can circulate.  Please change the paper towel wrapping for each truffle every day.  You can alternatively store your truffles in a glass jar with eggs.  The eggs will quickly take on the wonderful aromas and tastes of the truffles!

Belbosco Truffles arrive to you with the utmost freshness, directly from the ground from where they grow. In general, all fresh truffles should be consumed within 7 days after they arrive to you from us.  In many cases, and, if preserved properly, the Black aestivum Summer Truffle can retain its flavor and aroma for as many as 10 to 12 days after you receive them.